SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2023
- Meet your coach
- Coach to reach out to team through email, group me, or group text
- Ball bags and binders in shed can be taken or left in shed after games/practices
- Ball bags and binders will be ready by 3/20/2023
- Background checks and education to be completed by 4/2/2023. Reach out to the Director of Coaching, Kristy Neyra, if help is needed.
- Practice days are listed on schedule. Time to be determined by coach.
- Incident forms are in the shed. Fill out form for any injuries, bullying, parent/player problems or reach out to the Director of Coaching, Kristy Neyra.
- Meet your coach
- Pick up jersey and socks
- Shorts should be purchased by player. Any black shorts will work.
- Pick up fundraising and picture forms
- Complete registration payment
- Meet the current board members
- Receive gaming schedules (also available here online)
- Buy out for fundraisers are $30 per family ($40 for U14 families due to extra costs)
- Volunteers wanted! Please see opportunities to help out here online. (Board of directors > Volunteer)
- We are here to have fun, build skills, build friendships, and to stay active. There are all stages of players throughout each age group and we are not a professional league. Keep in mind that each player is someone's child. Do not hassle the players.
- They are high school/college students. Do no hassle the referees.
- Inappropriate and offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Referees have the authority to manage the players, spectators, and parents. First offense will receive a warning; second offense you will be asked to leave the field. If there are multiple offenses it is up to the discretion of the soccer club board for game suspension, season suspension, or switching the player's team. This is for the safety of the children and other spectators.